This program will simulate a virus attack which you can then successfully defeat. It will pop up command prompt-looking windows to which you enter any input, and after they have all been "dealt with" a screen saying "VIRUS CONTAINED" will come up to show everyone around you that you pwned that noob virus. Click anywhere on the screen to close the window and the program will end. Settings On first running the program, it will only create a config file on the desktop with some default settings and then close. Just run the program again and it will run like normal. If you would like to edit the config, here are the values available to you: NumReps -- the number of times the command prompt will pop up until the end screen LetScale -- the scale of the letters at the end in regards to the screen size, smaller number here results in bigger letters on the screen StartDelay -- number of seconds before program will pop up on screen, can be handy for acting like you're surprised that it's there put 'credits' on the last line of the config file to see who brought you this ingenius ego-boosting miracle.